Monday, January 12, 2009

Photos of New Well at Kanyamedha School

Our most recent well is completed and making a difference to hundreds of villagers in a slum area. It is built on the grounds of Kanyamedha Secondary School.

The four photos at the right depict:

1 and 2. Villagers from the three slum villages that share the well fetching water

3 and 4. Students from Kanyamedha Secondary School washing their hands and dishes after eating lunch at the school.

Paul Odihambo, a volunteer teacher at the school, writes "Pass the regards from Kanyamedha School and thank you to the entire FIOH-USA. We have already resumed learning at school. The water (well) was completed and the students have no problem with the severe drought that is biting right now." He also states the water is clean and crystal clear.

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